Why should your organisation get involved? This is what some of the IES Coalition members had to say.

“As Chair of the Standards Setting Committee from 2015-2021, I have been impressed by the growth of interest in the IES over the past six years and the dedication of those committed to expanding the impact of the IES. Transactions in the built environment know no boundaries in the marketplace, and it is essential that market participants have an ethical framework for their interactions.”
John Leary
Counselors of Real Estate

“IES is a very ambitious but also very important project. To establish one set of principles for the real estate industry worldwide is of tremendous significance. How else can we identify business partners that have the same understanding of ethical behaviour around the globe?”
Karin Barthelmes-Wehr
Managing Director. Institute for Corporate Governance in the German Real Estate Industry

“Currently there are lots of different codes of ethics with inconsistencies. This doesn’t provide the clarity, the consistency, and the transparency that the marketplace expects in this modern intertwined economy. The coalition wants, as a profession, to come together and be very clear and very transparent about what professional ethics should be and get behind them as a profession.”
Ken Creighton
Director of Thought Leadership and Public Affairs, RICS
“This new Coalition has the potential to transform the public perception of the entire real estate industry by creating and implementing international standards of ethical conduct. This, in turn, will help to enhance confidence and stability in the global market place, leading to improved ratings for property as an asset class.”
Robyn Waters
Past World President FIABCI
“I believe that the project has the power to transform real estate market in Brazil in a very positive way.”
Hamilton de Franca Leite