The IES Coalition is inviting professional bodies and non-governmental organisations to join the collaborative effort by signing the IES declaration.
Any international, national or regional not-for-profit, non-governmental, organization serving the land, property, construction, infrastructure or related professions is eligible to be a Member of the Coalition.
Current list of coalition Members.
Businesses, academic bodies and government bodies should not complete the form below, but are encouraged to apply to become a “Supporter“.
How membership works:
• Each Coalition Member designates one representative, and one alternate, to serve as a Trustee on the Board of Trustees of the Coalition.
• Any applications to join as a new Coalition Member will be considered by the Board of Trustees.
• Expressions of interest should be sent via the form below.
Joining as a Member is not associated with any membership fees or other contributions.
If your organisation is interested in applying to become a Member of IESC, please complete the following form:

IESC Member Declaration Form
As a representative body of the Land, Property, Construction, Infrastructure and related professions we support the goal of increasing public trust by improving ethical consistency, perceptions and enforcement. We therefore commit to promote the adoption and implementation of International Ethics Standards and confirm our intention to fulfil the following Objectives:
Objective 1 – Standards
Standards are the foundation of professionalism. We support the creation, maintenance and use of high quality, international and principle-based ethics standards through a transparent and inclusive standard setting process.
Objective 2 – Implementation
We are committed, for as long as we are members of the Coalition, to promote the effective implementation of these standards and encourage world markets to accept and adopt IES as the ethical framework for our global professions.