Since the IES Coalition was created in November 2014 a number of organisations (including businesses, governments and academic bodies) have signaled their desire to join the initiative.
IES Supporters will be listed on this website as either ‘Business Supporter’, ‘Government Supporter’ or ‘Academic Supporter’.
IES Supporters can include, property related businesses, investors, corporate occupiers, property advisory firms, developers, representative organisations, academic bodies and government bodies, that commit, in-principle, to the use of IES.
What will IES Supporters receive in return?
1. An opportunity to align their organisation’s brand with new international best practice.
2. Their organisation listed on the IES website
3. Permission to display a specific IES Supporter logo, within agreed guidelines.
International, national, or regional not-for-profit non-governmental organizations serving the land, property, construction, infrastructure, or related professions should not complete the form below but are encouraged to apply to become a “Member”.
How do we become an IES Supporter?
If your company or organisation is interested in applying to become an IES Supporter, please complete the following form.
Joining as a supporter is not associated with any membership fees or other contributions.

IES Supporter Declaration Form
We support the goal of increasing public trust by improving ethical consistency, transparency and enforcement. We therefore endorse the following Objectives:
Objective 1 – Standards
Standards are the foundation of professionalism and market confidence. We support the use of high quality, international and principle-based ethics standards for the Land, Property, Construction, Infrastructure and related professions.
Objective 2 – Implementation
We are committed, for as long as we are a Supporter of the Coalition, to promote the effective implementation of these standards and encourage the adoption of IES as the ethical framework for the Land, Property, Construction, Infrastructure and related markets.